
Platform Middleware Hub

Connect what belongs together.

Lots of data.
A platform.
Your business.

What does the brickfox offer you
Platform Middleware Hub?

The Platform Middleware Hub is a software solution for marketplace and portal operators. It enables the construction and management of eCommerce platforms of various types. The application scenarios are based on the different requirements within the eCommerce process chain. From the integration of external manufacturers, retailers and suppliers into an existing eCommerce platform to the construction of new platforms, standardized solutions are available that can be flexibly adapted to the respective application scenarios.


Key Features

Supplier control

Comprehensive supplier management with individual business logic and flexible connection options. Own MYPORTAL login for all participants. Simple ERP integration via XML-CSV interface or alternatively with your own online shop. Participation in the marketplace via login is also possible without an ERP connection - orders can be exported and shipping statuses set. Invoices and delivery notes can be created on request.

Marketplace Management

With the portal software from brickfox, you can successfully implement your marketplace strategy. Regardless of whether you want to manage a single marketplace or several channels (multi-marketplace) - with us you can achieve both! All the required data is stored in an upstream supplier layer. Only the data and dealers permitted by your business logic are transferred to the marketplace.

Central cockpit

With the portal software from brickfox, you can successfully implement your marketplace strategy. Regardless of whether you want to manage a single marketplace or several channels (multi-marketplace) - with us you can achieve both! All the required data is stored in an upstream supplier layer. Only the data and dealers permitted by your business logic are transferred to the marketplace.


The term "marketplace" refers to the Amazon feature where different merchants can offer and sell their products. Amazon provides the infrastructure and mechanisms to enable trade between merchants and customers. Customers can search for products on Amazon, compare different offers and make their purchases.

The term "platform", on the other hand, is a higher-level term that describes the technical foundation on which the marketplace is built and on which various features and services are offered. A platform provides a structured environment on which various interactions and transactions can take place. In relation to Amazon, the platform is the entire technical infrastructure that includes the marketplace, the merchant portal, customer accounts, product catalogs, and other supporting features.

The Platform Middleware Hub is characterized by its versatility, as it was developed specifically for marketplace and portal operators. In contrast to conventional eCommerce solutions, it enables the seamless integration of external manufacturers, retailers and suppliers into existing platforms and at the same time supports the development of completely new eCommerce platforms. With standardized solutions that can be flexibly adapted to different application scenarios, the Platform Middleware Hub stands out as a comprehensive and adaptable solution.

The Platform Middleware Hub significantly simplifies the integration of external manufacturers, retailers and suppliers by enabling seamless communication and coordination within the eCommerce process chain. From data exchange integration to resource sharing, the software offers standardized solutions that optimize collaboration. This enables marketplace and portal operators to efficiently expand their networks while meeting the specific requirements of different partners.