- Mirakl: load translations, prices and active channels from slave shops
- XmlExchange: Add shop product update xml import
- Cdiscount: add attribute matching drop downs
- Prioritization of active articles during CSV import
- XmlExchange ProductUpdate; update not deleted variations first
- disable feed header response from curl
- amazon: renew Amazon token
- Tradebyte: fixes for marketplace stock import
- mirakle order status: allow quantityShipped = 0 if shops fulfillment by marketplace is enabled
- CSV: Add seo content field for csv export and import
- XmlExchange: erp product import performance improvements
- Revision of the Ebay error handling so that it is easier to read.
- ShopwareSalechannel: Use vatId if exist from orderCustomer if empty in address
- Bol: image export bugfix
- AmazonSellingPartnerApi: fix error amazon refresh token is not set or null
- Internal: amazon token renewal
- Orders will not be set to finish if exception occurs during orderline handling
- Syncing of matches for channels of the same type
- Otto: add new oauth workflow
- Allow overview of PIM settings
- Media: changed the ImageServer to allow image names with path information
- AmazonSellingPartnerApi: Fix for compression error
- eBay: Shippment Notice Check carriers and tracking IDs to prevent sending wrong information
- SW6 MC: don't create shipments if order status is ready for shipment
- Products: Fix issues on multiple currencies for shops product variations with special prices
- Otto: enable oauth with client_credentials, if client_secret is configured
- Update product variation image sort order
- SW6: fix unnecessary log cleanup and log errors to graylog + add single order import param
- Mercateo: add specific sftp config for products exports
- Html tag settings for amazon
- Ottomarket: removed double coupons treatment
- Tradebyte: fix marketplace stock import csv separator
- ManoMano: stabilize_new_ManoMano_API_implementation
- Metro: Fix attribute loading from metro
- Rest: add packing unit import
- SW6 MC: add config so set order status ready for shipment if tracking id is missing
- Shops: Store filter that rejects products if the lower and upper
- ManoMano: Implement category attributes mapping of manomano channel
- Prices: Implement the possibility to add channel surcharge to special price if requested
- Amazon: stop throwing request exceptions to use existing error handling
- Amazon: list price fed wrong
- PIM UI fix permissions on write access buttons
- Tradebyte: fix marketplace stock import
- Pixi: Add possibility to configure attribute for pixi product description
- Manomano: implement rest api orderstatus export and orders import + category import
- Images: add script to delete images without physical files
- ManoMano: implement new category API
- Galaxus: Fix price on galaxus order position
- Amazon: fix feed invoice upload
- ShopwareSaleschannel: Check if a product attribute to property matching exists
- PIM: Pim Ui write access controls not available
- ShopwareSaleschannel: Fix for non existing product descriptions for order lines
- ManoMano: Add voucher handling for manomano orders
- Sandbox: add reset data ui
- Category Mapper: Communicate to customer that this is a beta feature
- Images upload: change regex to allow “–” and “__” in filename before upload by FTP
- Cdiscount: Only export delivery methods where price is set
- ShopwareSaleschannel: Check mapped product attributes to filter not mapped attribute properties
- Amazon: prevent useless warnings
- ShopwareSaleschannel: Fix overwriting images in shopware if they were updated
- Scriptlogger: add simple ui
- Kaufland: add storefront and locale for Poland and Austria
- Saleschannel: “Save delivery times from marketplaces as separate keys”
- Shops: update upselling list
- Ebay: no price update for special price adjustment
- PIM: Allow overview of PIM settings
- Bol: fix export of images
- ShopwareSaleschannel: Fix property group creation
- Shop CSV export: use default attribute values
- SW6 SC: add config to disable cms page id inheritance
- Tradebyte: finish marketplace stock import
- Pixi: add config to export product description as DESCRIPTION_LONG
- Implement Category Mapper for AI assisted group mappings
- Amazon: prevent useless warnings
- Fnac: Refactor to only handle order management
- Pixi: fix orderLineDiscount for absolute coupons
- Amazon: add scriptlogger to migration script
- Mirakl, Kaufland: Reimport Orders
- Ebay: load shipping policy from variation for flat articles
- HTK: import bugfix
- OttoMarket: Fix otto product export default shop attributes
- W6 SC: mark category for export if template id changed
- Script logger: add csv export
- add scale price import
- add marketplace stock import
- eBay: add error code 21916256 to valid responses for deletion
- Shops: remove limango from upselling list
- Vs4: config to import articles in flat structure
- Shops: add delivery time attribute code config to ui
- Galaxus: rm TRACKING_TRACING_URL, add SHIPMENT_CARRIER in dispatch notifications
- SW6 SC: bugfix for empty property mappings
- SW6 SC: prevent unnecessary warnings
- Ebay: fix export of diff options
- Ebay: default template fix for flat variations
- Ebay: fix header name
- remove foxcon banner
- Rest: import seo data
- Rest: add deleted products endpoint
- ShopwareSaleschannel: Fix errors on not yet existing product variations in shopware
- Archive and remove old http logs
- GUI: Add updated theme css
- Manomano: import vat_number
- ShopwareSaleschannel: Fix variation export
- Cdiscount: don't block offerResult-Import on exceptions
- Kaufland: Bugfix for default datetime format
- Kaufland: use mapped shipping group as shipping method for orders
- Metro: add allowed attributes to attribute matching gui
- Mirakl: split export files to prevent too large files
- Ebay: change category import url
- Ebay: Image export reacts to sort order of Attributes
- Vs4: Config to ignore group assignments
- Improve FtpImage Transfer
- BmeCat: use price instead of calculated order price for product exports
- Update Amazon Product XSD to have EPRELRegistrationNumber field
- CSVERP: Archive files
- Add shop category name sorting for attribute matching list
- Core: add foxcon notification popup
- Added configuration to use werbemittel as currency in VS4
- Prevent duplicates when using multiAttributes-matching
- Add support for image product properties in Shopware Sales channel
- Improvement of behavior for category tree after saving
- Tax calculator returns a zero tax rate if it is defined in configuration
- Return tracking ID's will get chosen by random from a list of available ID's, now
- For “Kaufland” the external SKU will get reset on deletion
- Shipping costs bug in order line bundle positions for “Kaufland” has been fixed.
- Order of config value has been improved to fix loading issued for “Amazon”
- Saving errors on “Mirakl” have been fixed
- Fixed the Amazono XML export which will not return “fullfilmmentlaency”, anymore, if latency is zero
- Variations extraction for “ShopwareSaleschannel” has been improved for large variations
- Marketplaces: Import the expected delivery date for eBay
- XmlExchange: Add split tracking ID logic to all shipment imports
- Mirakl: Gui for offer migration
- Shopware 6 Sales Channel “New logic for price transfer of products”
- ShopproductsList Fix sorting filter
- Galaxus: Add order return implementation
- Shopware additional information manager repaired
- SW6-SC: Import custom fields for orders if configured
- Amazon: Add token expiration notifications
- Amazon: add new action to create and download reports
- Ebay: Extracting the payment transaction ID from the monetary details
- Ebay: improved logging
- Fixing the deployment pipeline for production
- Pixi: fixes a bug in the code that sets 'ready for shipment' to 'shipped'
- Shops: Fixed storage issues in csv export of channel management
- ShopwareMultichannel order export bug fixed; missing cast for CUSTOM_FIELD_COMMISSION configuration fixed
- ShopwareMultichannel: added new feature to handle post/patch errors; use old feature to update payment status
- Add automatic deployment
- Product: Updated label to search for variations of item number
- Otto: Add automatic cleanup of rearranged variants
- CRabatt: Adding Express Shipping Option to GUI
- Add option to disable price export
- Pixi: Create ordersLinesToOrdersShipments when updating readyForShipment orders to shipped
- HtkSage: Import BasePrice information
- Shop: “Missing product in export”
- Order: Test order gui labels corrected
- Cdiscount: cleans up orphaned offer files to prevent infinite result queries
- SW6 SC: Bugfix for empty property mappings
- Add submodule steinbeis
- XmlExchange: Bugfix for image encoding
- Transferring the AWS customizations from the PHP 8 branch Adaptations for the future AWS deployment have already been incorporated into the core
- Shopware: With this update we are introducing a significant improvement in the handling of Amazon order fees within Shopware6. Users now have the option to assign the order fees received from Amazon directly to a specific
within your Shopware6 instance.
- eBay: Take shipping cost limit into account for special prices. Shipping price limit is now also taken into account for set special prices.
- Xentral connection order export Further fixes for order export
- Troubleshooting: The transfer of packaging dimensions specified as attribute values now works correctly. Previously, the system only supported attributes of type Short Text and similar, but not integers.
- Troubleshooting: eBay export issues caused by integer attributes have been fixed.
- Bug fix: Fixed image update issues for products without variants.
- Otto: Add test to debug the structure of a product description
- Shopware: Export standard quantity for purchases
- Kaufland: Order import start date configuration
- Ebay: Add special price to the price threshold of the shipping policies
- Return Tracking ID Service: Return tracking IDs used in GLS shipments will not be reset
- Shopware: Increasing error tolerance for imports
- Kaufland product update: Make offer ID optional – may not be available for migrated products
- Ability to disable the creation of groups for products
- Consideration of special prices when calculating tax rates
- XMLexchange: Configuration to encode file names during import
- FNAC-Darty: Integration of the shop connection
- Shop: Fixed rounding errors in price calculation
- Amazon: Do not export quantity prices for price quantity 1
- Shopware: Only compare prices that are known in both systems
- Shopware Sales Channel: Configuration for exporting individual master articles with only one variant as complete variant articles.
- Portal: Configuration to disable automatic group creation in REST calls for product data.
- Portal: REST import for shop categories.
- HTK: Product attributes can now be imported.
- Kaufland: Fallback option for id_product was added.
- Ebay: Fallback to productsImages if the export of variationImageOnly is active but no variation images can be found.
- Shop: Problem with filtering product lists has been fixed.
- Amazon: Improved session management for Amazon API requests.
- Core: Added new shop type for Brickfox bridge exports
- Shops: ShopsProductsFilter to filter out products with more than 2 diffOptions
- Ebay: Configuration for additional export of variation attributes
- SWSC refactoring: improved error handling; correction of POST/PATCH rewrites for 400 status codes
- SWSC refactoring: improved performance when retrieving attributes + no empty translations at products_variations level + products with errors are not skipped
- SWSC refactoring: Perform post-export actions after each product instead of at the end of the product data export
- Shops: Add surcharges to tiered prices
- ShopwareSaleschannel-Product-Export; Export variation data together with the product data and not after
- ShopAttribute: Colors and font for attribute matching corrected
- Export net prices for Pixi if the order is B2B
- Advanced checking of emails on the email blacklist
- Plus Product Export: Simplify loading data sheets and energy labels from the media server
- Sorting of tiered prices adjusted
- Shops: New admin UI action “shops_products_variations.to_delete” reset
- Noindex meta tags added to HTML output
- Checking emails before sending them to the email blacklist
- Added various fixes for Amazon Reports
- ScriptLogger: Extension of the script logger with wildcard script logger names
- Shops: Configurable attribute filters
- Shops: Addition of the field orderQuantity to the CSV export
- Mirakl: Configuration for Webcatchline in Decathlon Export
- Kaufland: Adjustment in behavior for error “Could not update…”
- Shopware: Adjustment in product export so that check for empty, return true for values with 0
- Bol Migration: Adjustments to the Bol Migration Workflow and Fixes
- Kaufland: Entries with unknown EANs are no longer omitted
- Mirakl: Inactive variants are no longer exported
- Xentral: Addition of the project ID in the order export
- Added configuration that allows to delete the parent categories of shops
- Amazon: Updating HomeImprovement.xsd
- Kaufland: Addition of the script logger in the migration script
- ShopwareMultichannel: Order Status Backup: Avoid false requests when no order update is necessary
- Plus Product Export: Adjustment of the base price format
- Kaufland: Adding shipping handling for bundles
- Mirakl: Adjustment of article number in order status
- Configuration option for API limit for product price imports
- ShopwareMultichannel: Adding the packaging unit from Shopware
- Mirakl: Errors reported in export preview
- Plus Product Export: Add additional allowed filter attributes
- Incorporation of customer fixes into the core
- Galaxus: Checking NAME2 removed from company import
- Replace the previous “MOIN” number for OttoMarket
- Adjustment of the standard package size values for ShopApotheke
- Images: New server type added
- Rest: Extension for updates
- Otto: Error report “600096 – INACTIVE_ON_PARTNER_REQUEST” blocks
- Fixes an issue with iframes for the new dashboard
- Netto: Default “externSku” logic for order status updates
- Mirakl: Disable “price_unit” for Conrad
- Shops: Script logger for category and duplicate channels processes added
- Kaufland: Product and offer status sync
- HtkSage: Import contentUnit and contentQuantity
- Mirakl: Invoice upload
- Ebay: Improvement of the template for product export
- Cdiscount: Price Formatting
- Mirakl: Offer and product status checking improved
- Ebay: Refactoring the token expiration notification
- Amazon: Fixes an error when exporting with Prime shipping methods
- Kaufland: Fixes a bug in product export
- CSV: Fixes a bug in product export related to category data
- eBay: Tooltip added for better understanding
- XmlExchange: Added test for the “neveroutofstock” flag
- Mirakl: Adaptation of the download process for reports to use new ZIP files
- Shopware Saleschannel: Fixes a bug with the minimum order quantity
- CSV Export: Checkbox added that offers the option to export only active shop products
- SW6 Saleschannel: the last payment transaction is loaded
- Cdiscount: improved error handling, files are cleaned up after 30 days, further status handling
- Mercateo Product Export: No export of zero prices
- CSV ERP Import: Fixes the problem when updating deleted variants
- Bol: Error handling
- SW6 Multichannel: Fixes the problem when updating products
- Mirakl: Adaptation of the ShopType name from NatureDecouvertes to NatureEtDecouvertes
- Mirakl: Fixes the problem that only the first product variant of a shop product is deactivated from the shop.
- XmlExchange: Fixes an error when importing order status via XMLExchange
- Reset unit if kaufland id is missing
- Custom csv orders export
- Rest API documentation endpoint
- Mirakl article migration
ChangeAmazon: update client secret
- Amazon: adapt logic of loading articles for exports
- Kaufland: order import change for migrants
- ShopwareSaleschannel – zero based index sort order on image export
- Kaufland: save shipping costs on order level too
- OttoMarket order status export hotfix
- Kaufland: fix deletion of broken articles
- Kaufland: fix migration of stock locations
- Feature/kaufland correction
- XmlExchange-ShopsExport-hotfix: fix call to undefined method
- Fix rrp calculation issue
- Orders: Don't reject fulfilled orders
- Mmirakl product export: catch generic exception and log them to graylog
- Synchronize with item number prefix fix and fix cleanup
- PHPCS – apply “UselessAnnotation” sniffs to tests
- Kaufland: add dropdown to attribute mapping ui
- Kaufland: add product migration button
- New Tests for ebay order import
- SW6: Add possibility to export product special prices for special timeframe
- Kaufland: reset product if errors occurred on creation
- Amazon: adapt logic of loading articles for exports
- Limango: Add unit test
- Amazon ERP: switch to sp api
- Zalando: Only validate image dimensions when they are present
- OttoMarket: add position for shipment only if positionItemId is set
- Allow multiple order lines with the same product on export
- Tradebyte: deactivate toDelete-Products
- Cdiscount: Limit amount of products in export
- Fix compatibility issue with Extjs and firefox
- Add upselling feature
- Missing prices on split Amazon stock export
- Xentral initial implementation
- Check if slave shop matches the required shop type
- Patch max Length Variation title for Mercateo
- Amazon: Update Lighting.xsd
- Kaufland: corrections and adaptations
- Amazon: fix for old posted files which feedsubmissionsids dont exist anymore
- Ebay: mark article for relist if offer already ended
- Shops: predeploy for prevention of duplicate shops_products entries
- Fix the UI showed date time format
- Only provide file name for eek label and data sheet
- Mirakl: Add optional shops_id to order import for multishop usage
- Tradebyte: load tax rate from child shop, fallback to master shop
- Zalando: change currency code to currency iso code
- Zalando api attributes matching
- Mirakl: add export only price and inventory logic
- eBay Trading / Dispute APIs
- Kaufland: add order status export and migration script
- Amazon: add sp api token refresh
- Kaufland: add new module
- Amazon import ExpectedShipDateRange and ExpectedDeliveryDateRange…
- Added ebay api signatures
- Shops errors: add combo for error code filter
- SKU switch
- Mirakl: export cancellations of single order lines
- Delete variations that do not exist on products import
- Marktkauf: add category import action
- Undefined variable: hitmeisterProductExists
- added ISBN value set if empty
- Basic tests for XmlExchange product export
- improve namings and minor cleanups
- add basic test for limango order import wrapper