Behind the facade of a real Krampus* lies a man with an enchanting talent for consulting and a penchant for unconventional interests. Max is not only the master of the spooky Salzburg tradition, but also our man for scoping calls and the presentation of brand new products at brickfox.
When he's not busy conquering the e-commerce world, Max can often be found in his own tiny house oasis, sitting back with his e-cigarette 🚬 and a cold Astra beer, thinking about the next awesome webinar. In his free time, Max can also often be found at motorsport events or cruising on the road.
Max is not only the face of our sales team, but also living proof that the road to success can be spiced up with a pinch of humor and a penchant for the unexpected.
*// You don't know what a Krampus is either?
Look again at the last picture in the carousel.