
Otto Interface Koop 2.0 – automated sales on Otto.de with brickfox Multichannel eCommerce

Retailers and manufacturers who want to use the Otto platform for their online sales can now do so automatically via the brickfox Otto Koop 2.0 interface. By integrating your ERP system or your online shop into the brickfox multichannel landscape, you can now use the new growth-oriented interface format of the Otto platform. The interface innovations simplify the previously complex process of product data preparation - similar to what is common with the brickfox multichannel software for other marketplaces. Product data preparation is now clearer and more efficient. Sales control and order management are still automated. If other marketplaces are integrated into your multichannel landscape in addition to Otto, stocks are compared and updated across channels, so that your eCommerce landscape with brickfox has a solid basis for further growth.

The new interface format also simplifies quality management on the Otto platform side. Manual quality checks are no longer necessary. Retailers and manufacturers benefit from a faster and easier connection to the Otto marketplace. With 7 million active customers, Otto generates 1.9 million visits per day and 10 orders per second! This makes Otto one of the most frequently used platforms in Germany (as of July 2020). Thanks to the new interface format, Otto can now integrate more retailers into its eCommerce platform in a shorter time. The associated platform growth increases the attractiveness of the marketplace for consumers. A win-win situation for retailers, the Otto marketplace and their customers...

Would you like to sell automatically on Otto.de? The Otto Koop 2.0 interface of the brickfox multichannel software is already being used successfully by numerous retailers. You too can use brickfox for automated trading on Otto.de. Our marketplace experts will be happy to advise you!

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