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Sell ​​successfully on rewe.de

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With a turnover of 54,14 billion euros (2016), the REWE GROUP is one of the largest retailers in Germany. More than 22 million customers shop in one of 3.300 REWE stores nationwide every week.

This presence must be rewe.de also for online trading. Brickfox connects online shops, the ERP system or the inventory management system with rewe.de via a bidirectional interface. Multichannel eCommerce software brickfox bundles all product data centrally, enables channel-specific adjustments and automatically displays the modified data on rewe.de. In addition to rewe.de, a large number of marketplaces, price comparison portals or your own online shops can be served without much effort.

Advantages with brickfox:

  • Central product data maintenance for rewe.de and other online sales channels
  • Channel-specific customization options
  • automated sales control
  • For incoming orders, the order data is returned to the ERP system and the inventory management system
  • brickfox updates the stocks (in all systems connected to brickfox)
  • Overselling or short selling can thus be avoided

If you want to coordinate sales not only on online marketplaces and price comparison portals, but also in your own online shops via brickfox, you can use the brickfox PIM used. With the brickfox PIM, online retailers have the option of maintaining product data centrally. This applies to the initial creation as well as the enrichment. It is also possible to connect an external PIM system. From here, the brickfox middleware plays out the created product data (descriptions, attributes, prices, stocks, etc.) including individual adaptation to the individual sales channel, in this case rewe.de. This means minimizing the effort coupled with a simultaneous increase in sales. brickfox is individually adapted to retailer requirements and the respective e-commerce landscape and can therefore be used by almost any online retailer.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=“MORE INFORMATION ON THE REWE INTERFACE“ shape=“square“ color=“green“ align=“center“ link=“url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.brickfox.de%2Fschnittstellen%2Frewe-schnittstelle|||“][vc_empty_space height=“60px“][/vc_column][/vc_row]