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Whitepaper – Internationalization in e-commerce

Expert tips for strategy, multichannel and logistics - in cooperation with its partners brickfox Multichannel E-Commerce and Salesupply, pixi* Software GmbH has published a new, 12-page e-commerce internationalization guide. In this practical guide, the e-commerce expert trio offers online retailers an overview of the most important tips for strategic preparation, selling across different platforms and ensuring error-free logistics processes on the international stage.

Internationalization offers numerous opportunities, such as the development of new customer groups, new markets and the associated increase in sales. Sustainable growth opportunities entice online retailers to consider the potential and strategy alternatives of internationalization. However, the initial euphoria usually fades due to the multitude of questions that the "internationalization" project brings with it. These include which markets are relevant, how to achieve international recognition despite a limited budget and which aspects should be considered on the logistics side. With a focus on the question "What should online retailers pay attention to when selling to other countries?", the partner companies of pixi*, brickfox and Salesupply offer a comprehensive guide to the topics of strategy, multichannel and logistics.

In order to develop the internationalization project to the best possible extent and on a solid basis, the right approach and a supporting technical basis are required. "Before online retailers enter a new market, they should check it thoroughly using key performance indicators," says Henning Heesen, Managing Director of Salesupply. "Because only an honest, objective and sober look at the market can lead to meaningful results - even if it is recognized that internationalization in the market being examined is not currently profitable."

In addition to considering possible market development strategies, a sophisticated sales strategy is also the focus of successful internationalization. Sales - whether national or international - must remain clear and efficient across all sales channels. Multichannel software that can cope with international challenges forms a solid technical basis for this. "It is important to have a seamless connection between inventory management, PIM systems and middleware. Correct product data communication and efficient product data maintenance determine success or failure on international online platforms," ​​says Torsten Blümel, Managing Director of brickfox Software GmbH.

In order to fully exploit the potential that internationalization offers, you need more than just good market research, high conversions through SEO-optimized online shops and appealing SEA campaigns. "As with sales in the home country, the process behind the shop is crucial to success: logistics. Hardly any customer will become a regular customer if delivery takes too long, customer service is inadequate or problems arise in the event of a return," says Dirk Haschke, Vice President of pixi* Software GmbH.


eCommerce Internationalization - Download Whitepaper